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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Job Satisfaction at AMP

7.9 rating for Job Satisfaction, based on 25 reviews
Please comment on your role and day-to-day responsibilities.
In the morning and afternoon, I go through all the reported phishing emails and classify them into an appropriate category (Clean, low-risk, suspicious, phish, etc). I also go through the email quarantine and assess if any emails have been caught in the quarantine that are deemed legitimate and release them. I check service now and digital shadows and analyse the impersonating domain alerts or exposed credentials and remediate these tasks. Then depending on the week, I receive different tasks to complete within the CDAR team or wider CDC community and follow up with associated colleagues after to further my knowledge.
Graduate, Sydney - 31 May 2024
I'm doing fulfilling work and am given consistent feedback on my development.
Graduate, Sydney - 17 May 2024
Rotation program means I have varied experiences across different team from management, to financial accounting across different business areas
Graduate, Sydney - 03 May 2021
You get to try between 3-6 rotations/teams according to your preference of what you want to try (standard is 4 rotations which are 6 months each).
Graduate, Sydney - 03 May 2021
Assist with daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly hedging operations as well as the design and improvement of the overall hedging strategy.
Graduate, Sydney - 03 May 2021
I am satisfied with the type of work however it can be quite volatile with changes in the company
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
Working in the Agile team I help other teams in the business move to a more Agile ways of working - lots of collaboration, change management and helping people adopt more efficient practices as they work.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
As a financial services graduate - I am part of 4, 6 month rotations. My current role is in wealth management.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
Graduate as part of the Enterprise Risk Management division in the Group Function. Assist team in consulting style papers and reporting functions.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
I have the flexibility to take on tasks from other teams that align with my interests but also get to work on projects within my team that are new and exciting to me in addition to BAU.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
As a part of the grad program there is a focus on actually being able to provide value in that role and performing activities and tasks that will develop and enhance your skillset and experience. As such, in each role there is a period of being brought up to speed followed by a lengthy period of time where you can add value to that team and be a valuable asset.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Apr 2021
I am actively involved in conversations with the portfolio manager on changes to the investment mix in the fund, and am able to express my thoughts, opinions and analysis on what might add value to the portfolio.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Apr 2021
Very broad. The graduate program at AMP really prioritises its 'rotation' structure, meaning graduates aren't locked into teams right from the start. We work broadly within each rotation to experience as much as we can in the time we have.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Apr 2021
Some BAU tasks that are reporting based. Opportunities to write and present papers to committees. Product management.
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Apr 2021