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BDO New Zealand

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at BDO New Zealand

8.7 rating for Recruitment, based on 24 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
1) Online Assessment and Interview 2) Interview with HR 3) Interview with manager and partner
Graduate, Auckland - 04 Nov 2023
This was a very fast process
Graduate, Auckland - 01 Nov 2023
Interview process was very quick and friendly
Graduate, Auckland - 27 Oct 2023
Was a smooth operation, very far in advance of start date
Graduate, Christchurch - 27 Oct 2023
For myself, it was relatively straightforward. I applied online and a few weeks later I heard from HR wanting to arrange an interview with the associate for my team. After this HR contacted me to do a reference check and then give me an offer.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
Came in for assessment day with a bunch of people applying, then had interview of director and was very smooth and nothing to stressful
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
I found the steps fairly straightforward and easy to follow. Everything was communicated to me in a timely manner and everyone in the BDO recruitment team was friendly and polite.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
The interview process was great, I felt really comfortable talking with Dylan from HR, and was given options on what office I would want to work at based on where I live. The interview with my team partner and director was also relaxed and they made it an enjoyable experience. Also, I didn't feel like the pre interview testing and video questions were too complicated or tedious.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
It was really quick and simple, communication was really good and I felt like I was kept in the loop at all times. My questions were also answered very promptly and I felt well supported throughout the entire process.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
Got all these tests. Just rang them up and asked for an interview because I was in town for the day.
Graduate, Christchurch - 24 Oct 2023
Straight forward process.
Graduate, Christchurch - 24 Oct 2023
Thorough but also slightly relaxed which is more welcoming
Graduate, Christchurch - 23 Oct 2023
Interview and coffee with some of the staff along three different assesments
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
The interview process was relatively easy, and the response from HR with any queries I had was very prompt. I was kept in the loop with what was going on the whole time.
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
Good smooth recruiting process - interviewers were friendly and the process was quick.
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
Had a couple of aptitude tests and things which were necessary, had one interview with another one lined up when i got offered the job.
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
I remember it was great process to get hired.
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Previous work experience, how you handled different situations.
Graduate, Auckland - 27 Oct 2023
For myself, I was asked why I was moving to Auckland since I was living in Tauranga. Mostly, my interview was a conversation about my work expectations and how I can help the team I was being put into.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
Questions related to previous experience, previous issues I have encountered in the work force, and ways that I have overcome previous challenges in the work force.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
Do you know much about the firm and the different service lines - what they do? Explain a bit more about your previous experience. A little bit on what my future plans/goals are. Can you describe a situation where you faced conflict and how you overcame it?
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
Where would you like to see yourself going in the next few years? How did you find out about BDO, why did you apply to BDO?
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
Describe the accruals process in accounting was probably the toughest one, caught me a bit off guard. The rest of them pretty standard, strengths, weaknesses, team collaboration and what not.
Graduate, Christchurch - 24 Oct 2023
A question regarding time management and how I would deal with if I had multiple urgent task coming in from multiple managers - how I align with the company and their values - my favorite and least favorite subjects at Uni - what are one of my biggest challenge areas.
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
Questions relating to what I had in my CV - previous work experiences, how did I find university etc. Structured in a friendly conversation manner where I felt comfortable the whole time.
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
Mostly non work questions, they valued what I did outside of accounting rather than focusing on technical skills which with an accounting degree most people have.
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
What is my vision for my career, why did I want to apply for this role. any special experience I have had while I was in University.
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
Asked about work experience, 5-year plan, challenges, weaknesses etc
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Be yourself and answer the questions honestly.
Graduate, Auckland - 04 Nov 2023
The interview process was one of the more relaxed and friendlier experiences than others that I had around the same time. Be yourself and don't worry too much about trying to memorise facts about the company.
Graduate, Auckland - 27 Oct 2023
Always good to refresh over your own CV to rejog your memory and think of some study or workplace examples that you could use in your answers. Also, if you don't already know - sit down and think of your future plans (5-year) so that you know what you want to be getting in your next position, rather than thinking the interview is one sided. It's also an opportunity for you to see if this company and team would be a good fit for you and your career.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
Be as calm as possible, treat it as a normal everyday situation.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
I would say do your due diligence on the position you're applying for so you can show that you have good knowledge about the department you will be working in.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
Just look back over your previous work experience and collate a few stories of when you have overcome a challenge, when you have dealt with a difficult co-worker, when you have been successful with a task etc.
Graduate, Auckland - 25 Oct 2023
Know how the accrual process works lol. Act committed to the company and don't sound unsure about if you want to work there.
Graduate, Christchurch - 24 Oct 2023
Learn about the firm, talk to people about the culture, learn the values, etc.
Graduate, Christchurch - 24 Oct 2023
to be open and ready to get involved in social activities to help make your work fun and rewarding
Graduate, Christchurch - 23 Oct 2023
be familiar with the company values and how they align with you
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
Prepare for anything - think of scenarios that may be relevant to what you're applying for, things you're good at and want to work on
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
I would recommend them looking at the companies website and see what they do and the clients they serve, as well as their values. I would then tell them to think about how they align with the company. Also think about common interview questions and come up with ideas of how you would answer those questions in a way that align with the company.
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
Prepare for the generic potential interview but also know what you have included in your CV. Come prepared with your own questions, so you are sure you are making the right decision to suit you.
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
Just be yourself as you will fit in much better than pretending to be anyone and don't take yourself too seriously
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023
Candidates should know what they want to get out of being a graduate in accounting firm. Candidate could choose other private firm to start their CA career - probably less working hours (even though BDO is really good with working 37.5 hours only - not like other firm) , better pay but they will not provide great exposure of work like accounting firm. I chose BDO since I wanted to be able to learn client work straight away- doing tax return, financial report , analyzing the datas , meeting the client at early stage of my career, I could have chosen big 4 accounting firm but I didn't want to be buried with work, and not exposed to enough direct client work. I am quite happy with my decision and hoping my employer will value us graduate as important member of firm- give us market rate of what we are capable of.
Graduate, Christchurch - 20 Oct 2023