The managers are friendly and easy to approach and talk to them. Where I'd recommend room for improvement is for them to directly communicate changes relevant to me without me having to ask for the updates.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Nov 2023
Great manager who is professional and gives excellent guidance
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Oct 2023
Managers are accessible. Dependent on their personality. Some are more willing to advise, guide and share information.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Oct 2023
Very good but always could be improved. Within Australia managers are very accessible, outside of Australia is harder. Senior Managers, including CEO/CFO/COO, all make time to meet graduates.
Graduate, Australia - 09 Jun 2023
Often good mentors. Some areas struggle with accessible managers more than others
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2023
My direct manager is amazing and very supportive of my development as a grad. I have fortnightly feedback and check in sessions where I am able to identify where I am succeeding and the next steps to complete my work. There are also formal assessment meetings to evaluate my performance against set objectives. I am able to chat to my manager whenever he is free and he has helped to form and act upon a development plan for me.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2023
Very easy going and give good feedback.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2023
Yes, communication is always firstly done through your first-line manager. There is a good working culture that allows you to feel comfortable approaching your manager for anything.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2023
My manager is a very skilled scientist and I have learned a lot within my rotation. The yearly performance feedback allowed us to identify areas that I could develop in further.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2023
My immediate manager and the department manager are very approachable and usually happy to answer questions if they have time. They also are private about any issues that I raise and usually can address these issues.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Apr 2023