While undertaking the graduate program you are assigned a line manager who you meet with on a regular basis. this provides an opportunity for feedback on performance, support and a line of communication to raise issues if any. My experience has been the management team at Johnstaff is very supporting in addressing concerns when raised.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Jan 2024
My line managers have been very helpful and supportive. They call in from time to time to check in and see how I am progressing.
Graduate, Sydney - 08 Feb 2022
Managers are all very accessible and easy to talk to. Management will always have time for any queries' or concerns.
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Feb 2022
My managers make great mentors. I receive frequent feedback (formal and informal) from my direct line managers on a regular basis. My managers provide me with a lot of support on a daily basis and have shown a genuine interest in my career progression and growth. I am often asked if I have any concerns to raise within my job and management carefully considers providing me with experiences that will support my development, giving me opportunities to take on greater responsibilities earlier into my career.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 14 Jan 2022
I have direct contact with the directors of the business which helps with a more collaborative environment and fosters confidence within the team that anyone is approchable.
Midlevel, Sydney - 22 Dec 2021
Managers and mentors are accessible at all times. There is yet to no real divide between the works at Johnstaff regardless of roles and status
Graduate, Sydney - 25 Jan 2021
No one is too senior to talk to. The CEO & COO provide updates to all staff when necessary and communicate well. As I was the first graduate to go through there were some teething issues with communication between managers and the graduates with all people being on the same page but generally communication is great. It's refreshing having managers that keep you up to date and give you honest feedback.
Graduate, Sydney - 22 Jan 2021