Need to be in for market hours
Graduate, London - 05 Feb 2020
730 until 6. Quite flexible for what time you leave depending on what you have on in the evening. The time you get in in the morning will depend on the desk you are on.
Graduate, Hong Kong - 30 Jan 2020
Approximately 7:30 to 5:30. Pretty flexible, as long as I'm there between 8 and 4:30.
Graduate, London - 30 Jan 2020
You will have to be in throughout market hours, which typically are between 8:00 at 4:30. Generally then spend an hour or two after that working on coding projects or analysis to improve your performance going forward.
Graduate, London - 30 Jan 2020
Depending on desk. Either 7:30-6:30 or 9-8. European desks less flexible than US as not open for trading continuously.
Graduate, London - 29 Jan 2020
Flexible enough, given limitations of trading markets
Graduate, London - 29 Jan 2020
7:30 am to 6ish
Graduate, Hong Kong - 29 Jan 2020