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Northrop Grumman Australia

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Ellena Papadopoulos

Graduate Engineer at Northrop Grumman Australia

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Electrical at QUT (Queensland University of Technology)

I set up a meeting room to discuss some Artificial Intelligence capability with some of the staff in the US. We try to get an idea of what capabilities they have over there that we can leverage for the current project we are working on.

6.00 AM

My alarm goes off and I hit the cancel button. I fall back asleep again and in 5 minutes freak out that I’ve slept for another two hours and wake myself up. I double-check that I’ve got another alarm set for 6.15 am and fall back asleep. My alarm goes off again, I press the cancel button, grab my phone and lay in bed reading my emails/Facebook. Once it rolls around to 6.30 am I force myself out of bed and get changed as quickly as I can, knowing I’ve just spent way too long procrastinating in bed (but it’s so warm). Run down to the car to drive to work (I’m lucky I only live 10 minutes away!).

7.00 AM

Rock up to work and get set up at my desk. Great everyone as they all start to show up for the day. Grace walks in and we have a discussion about how our sleep was the night before, prompting us to go grab a coffee. We ask around if anyone else is interested and Wayne opts to come for a walk with us. We head down to our local coffee place and I grab the biggest iced chocolate they have.

7.15 AM

Back at work, I prepare for my 7.30 am meeting, ensuring I have all the relevant information and preparing for any questions that might come my way.

7.30 AM

I set up a meeting room to discuss some Artificial Intelligence capability with some of the staff in the US. We try to get an idea of what capabilities they have over there that we can leverage for the current project we are working on. We talk about how AI is thrown around in conversations and discuss how we could really use the AI capability for certain parts of the project.

9.30 AM

Have a chat with Wayne about what was discussed in the meeting and what documents are needed. It turns out that I need to create a scope of work for the AI solution so that both the customer and the US understand where we are trying to go with the capability for this specific project. I start the scope of work by pulling out requirements from the project. Then create some diagrams to show how the AI could be implemented and how it could be used in the project to help deliver some milestones.

11.00 AM

I have a meeting with Wayne to discuss where I am up to in the AI scope document. I showed him the diagrams that I have made to get a good indication as to whether they are readable and the point gets across. It’s always good to get another person's view on something, so you can understand whether someone who may not know what you’re writing about understands the topic first pass without needing a lot of explanation. He gave me some good feedback as to what I need to change to get a specific point across, while also giving some ideas on the best way to explain it when it is written.

12.00 PM

Lunch time! I walk down with some of the team and go to a really nice Vietnamese place that has great rice paper rolls. We take the food back to the office, sit in the lunch room and chat.

1.00 PM

I go back to my desk and check my emails. I then continue with my AI Scope document and make changes that were recommended by Wayne. I try to get as much done as it will go through another review before next week’s meeting.

2.00 PM

 I have a conversation with Grace about some of the project management work that she is doing. We discuss how the WHS and Environmental sections of the Project Management Plan need to be completed. She tasks me with completing those two sections and give me a deadline of the end of next week.

2.30 PM

It’s time for the monthly Young professionals Network meeting. The group is dedicated to early-career individuals where we work through soft skills which are highly useful in the workplace. Today is the first meeting for 2022, so we run through the plan for the year and the topics that we will discuss. We settle on next month being a discussion about bias and allocate one of the members to run the next meeting. We also have a guest speaker from Engineers Australia talking to use about our pathway to Chartered Engineering and specific workshops and videos we can use to gain engineering hours.

4.30 pm

Race home to get changed to go to the gym. Regret for the millionth time that I didn’t pack a bag in the morning to make it easy for myself. I will learn at some point. Drive to the gym.

5.30 PM

Attempt to have some form of coordination in a mini-trampoline class. I’m losing my breath wondering if it was a good idea to attempt the class. Then make it through without hurting myself.

6.00 PM

Drive home happy that I decided to actually do the class.

6.30 PM

Have a shower from the day. This is my favourite time of the day as it means I can get into my pjs and be super comfortable.

7.00 PM

Dinner time! Steaks with Greek salad AND pasta salad! I devour it like I haven’t eaten in 5 days. Have a conversation with my boyfriend about our days and what interesting things happened. Pretend I understand all the IT speak he’s telling me and nod in agreement.

7.30 PM

Spend half an hour deciding on something to watch and landing on an old faithful… Fringe (if you haven’t seen it you’re really missing out!) Hit the next episode button twice. Realise that I should really go to bed but hit the next episode one more time.

10.30 PM

I walk like a zombie into the bedroom and stare into space thinking about what I have left to do for the night. Fall into bed roll over and set my alarm for the morning. I double-check that I’ve set two alarms one for 6.00 am and 6.15 am even though I know I’ll still freak out in the morning about whether I’m late or not.