Great groups of people to work amongst. Always willing to help whenever asked and will do their best to make you feel welcomed.
Graduate, Brisbane - 17 Oct 2023
The culture at NGA is a collaborative one, our teams work cohesively to develop solutions. I feel supported amongst my peers and leaders as the culture exists in the formal and informal workplace environment. Informal events include morning coffees in the office, lunch and learns, and social clubs after work.
Midlevel, Brisbane - 16 Oct 2023
In all the teams I've worked in, there is a great synergy and supportive network. This follows through into both work sponsored events as well as out of work events. Both managers and colleagues are open to chat about things, and a lot of the time are able to help out if needed.
Company has an inclusive culture and a lot of the activities are employee driven (coffee runs, social drinks, end of year gatherings). Would be cool to see company organized events (e.g. charity runs).
The company's culture is a mixture of corporate level, project level and team level. At times, coporate level is engaging when the quarterly reviews or surveys are emailed to us. Project levels at time can be quite disassociated, due to my project having teams being inter-state, makes it difficult to organise team level activities. Team level is relatively the same, in my instance, my entire team is located in another state than I. It then fell onto me to reach out and make social type of events (creating a coffee group that all go out together, other types of social events or even farewells). After hour aspects are good work wise, I haven't been messaged on the weekend often enough to complain nor requested to complete extra hours without reasoning.