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Application Process & Interviews at NZX

8.8 rating for Recruitment, based on 8 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
There were some one-way interviews, some testing prescreening stu_, from there we were invited to a grad day which was good. The process was also pretty quick unlike some other processes I've been through.
Graduate, Wellington - 07 Jun 2024
The hiring process and assessments are clear and easy to follow.
Graduate, Wellington - 06 Jun 2024
The interview process was super enjoyable. I had my flights paid for to Wellington for the interview day and it was a very casual day just getting to know everyone, no intense assessments.
Graduate, Wellington - 06 Jun 2024
The hiring process was very easy for the graduate programme. Following my application, I was invited to attend an assessment day at NZX. This was a great opportunity to get a feel for the organisation, and meet the employees and other applicants.
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Jun 2024
There was an initial interview, cultural-fit interview and psychometric testing. I thought this process was well planned and I felt equipped for my interviews by being provided a full position description and role responsibilities. I was nervous in my original interview as I have not done many formal interviews. However, the interviewers made me feel very at ease and comfortable. The cultural fit interview gave me the opportunity to ask questions and understand the rganisation more. The psychometric test was harder than I expected as the answers had to be very quick, but it was a good challenge and I think it is a really smart way for the rganisation to understand candidate's strengths and learning areas.
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Jun 2024
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
What's your greatest strength?
Graduate, Wellington - 07 Jun 2024
One question I was asked was if you had to complete a task on a deadline how would you go about managing your priorities? Would you take extra time to complete it perfectly or make sure you met the deadline if it meant sacrificing perfection?
Graduate, Wellington - 06 Jun 2024
Most of the questions were situational based "can you tell us about a time when...", this required me to think on the spot about specific stories that have helped me grow and learn. Also questions such as why I was interested in the role, in my sector, what I am most proud of etc, which were good for me to express my personal thoughts.
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Jun 2024
I was asked a range of questions, most of these were based on my personality and situations I have been in as opposed to any technical or assessment questions.
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Jun 2024
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
At the grad day just be yourself and don't stress too much - it's actually a pretty fun day
Graduate, Wellington - 07 Jun 2024
Put your best self forward in your application, study the NZX values and think of examples of times you displayed those values. At the interview day, don't worry so much about being the perfect student candidate, get to know everyone and make an effort to talk to the senior management to make a good impression.
Graduate, Wellington - 06 Jun 2024
Prepare your best for the interview with what you have on your CV especially. Be ready to impress!
Graduate, Wellington - 06 Jun 2024
You should prepare by having a good idea of your own work patterns - how you work best, what you enjoy doing, and what you can provide to NZX. It is also helpful to have examples and situations that you have been in to prove or back up what you are saying. Also, remember to have fun and enjoy yourself.
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Jun 2024
I had a mock interview with someone I knew which helped me prepare and put me in an on-the-spot situation where I needed to answer questions. I think it is important to remember that interviewers aren't looking for someone perfect who doesn't spare a moment to think as it takes time to answer a question to your best capabilities.
Graduate, Wellington - 05 Jun 2024