Updating Results

Western Power

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Salary at Western Power

8.0 rating for Salary, based on 11 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
Pay is award rate though not as competitive as private companies, though I'd rather have the work-life balance provided here. I do not believe there are bonuses at WP.
Graduate, Perth
State Government Enterprise, no bonuses available. Pay rises dependent on current state government legislation / ruling.
Graduate, Perth
At a graduate level the pay is standard across the board. No bonuses however. Future pay prospects are limited by the state government wages act.
Graduate, Perth
Pay is good but no bonuses
Graduate, Perth
Good pay
Graduate, Perth
Base graduate salary is very competitive, with a number of options available for additional pay after the graduate program.
Graduate, Perth
Pay is great for a graduate-level program. I think pay scales/progression could be presented more clearly. For example, steps to go from graduate to normal to senior data scientist, etc... and what pay is expected at these levels. There isn't any bonuses as far as I know.
Graduate, Perth
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Discounted holiday homes.
Graduate, Perth
Energy West Social Club, great benefits from that. Delivery room accommodates personal packages.
Graduate, Perth
Good super? Social club has multiple houses for rent around WA
Graduate, Perth
End of Year celebration
Graduate, Perth
Discounts from select places - i.e. Lenovo
Graduate, Perth
Points for assisting people within the company, which can be redeemed at leading retailers.
Graduate, Perth
Often get free morning teas
Graduate, Perth