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Woodside Energy

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Anshu Chauhan

Graduate Digital Analyst at Woodside Energy

Master of Business Information Management and Systems at The University of Western Australia (UWA)

The thing I love the most about my job is that I get to liaise with different kinds of people and personalities every day. I have always been people-oriented so when I do my job, I get a great sense of satisfaction when people tell me that I was able to help them with what they needed.

What's your job about?

I work at Woodside Energy Group, which is a global independent energy company by production and is a significant supplier of energy that the world needs.

I work in the Information Technology function, which enables Woodside Energy business to operate by delivering and supporting a wide range of information technology solutions and services.

I started the third year of my grad program as a Delivery Lead for the Integration team. My team builds APIs for different parts of the business within the organisation to help systems ‘talk to each other’ and I make sure we deliver what we promise.  I perform business analysis and act as the bridge between the business and my team.  I work with people from across our organisation to understand their requirements and to build the right solutions to make them more effective in their roles.  To ensure we stay on track, I perform the role of a scrum master to manage and prioritise across multiple projects, to ensure we deliver the best outcome for our stakeholders.

In addition to my core role, I also work alongside the Tech Chapter for another initiative, to develop product strategies and to facilitate resourcing. I liaise with external vendors and manage our contracts to make sure we get the best value from their services.

What's your background?

I grew up in India and moved to Australia while I was still studying.

When I look back, I find that one of the most important stages of my life was the few months I had in between graduating school and starting uni. My thought process evolved so much and by the time I went to college, I was a lot more thoughtful and appreciative of the people and places around me. I think it was because I had this time to learn more about myself and spend time with my loved ones. A lot of things in life started making more and more sense.

The next big change was when I started my first ‘real’, full-time job at Woodside Energy. I met so many amazing people who ended up becoming my friends. I have received so many amazing opportunities during my time here and I learn here every day.

I applied for the Woodside Energy Graduate program online and went through the standard process of online assessments and in-person interviews to get into the program. I have been here for 2 years and about 4 months.

Could someone with a different background do your job?

Anyone with a tertiary degree in Computer Science can perform my role.  Experience is not mandatory, as Woodside Energy provides a structured program to help you develop your skills.  All you need is the will to learn and adapt. Most importantly though, I find that the 70/20/10 rule holds very true where 70 percent of the learning is done through hands-on learning, so people learn most from experience.

What's the coolest thing about your job?

The thing I love the most about my job is that I get to liaise with different kinds of people and personalities every day. I have always been people-oriented, so when I do my job, I get a great sense of satisfaction when people tell me that I was able to help them with what they needed. I like being responsible for making sure that we are doing the right thing and managing the right expectations.

What are the limitations of your job?

Because I wear more than one hat and work with multiple people on multiple issues, I have to do a lot of context-switching. My calendar can be full of meetings, so I plan my day around it to find productive hours where I can focus. To stay on top of things, I keep myself very organized and compartmentalize everything. This can be challenging if someone is not used to it but as long as you enjoy what you’re doing, it is totally worth it.

3 pieces of advice for your university-self?

  1. Assignments and exams are important, but so is socializing and your network. Spend more time with your friends, make new friends, and keep in touch with the old ones.
  2. Never miss an opportunity that comes your way. Yes, everything is not going to work out in the end, but don’t be scared to try out new things!
  3. Don’t forget your hobbies! Always keep up with the things that make you happy. Take time out for yourself and find that balance.