Former Graduate (2019) - Business Analyst at Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR)
Master of International Law at Flinders University
7.00 AM
I wake up, shower and make breakfast, usually something simple that I can cook and eat quickly. I pull an espresso to go with breakfast.
8.00 AM
I leave home and walk to work. I’m fortunate enough to live close to work and the commute is only about 10-15 minutes.
8.15 AM
The first thing that I do after arriving at work is to check the news. It’s important to keep up with any developments or issues related to my work, and the articles are sent to my inbox by iSentia. Working in the International Division, I read articles on international students and visa changes that may affect the work of the team.
After reading the news, I check my inbox and respond to any emails from the previous day after I left work. I try to respond to emails as soon as I can to keep on top of everything. I flag any tasks with a deadline so that I don’t lose track of any tasks that I need to complete.
9.00 AM
My friends in the graduate cohort are in by this time and we go out for a coffee. I highly recommend buying a keep cup as it’s better for the environment and most cafes give a small discount for bringing your own cup.
9.15 AM
The workday truly begins and the rest of my team has arrived. The work of my team is on education agents who facilitate international student enrolments to Australian education providers (universities, TAFE, private education colleges, and such). Agents play a huge role in the international education space, with 75% of all enrolments facilitated by them. The work involves using data from the Provider Registration and International Student Management System (PRISMS) to conduct analysis.
The team recently launched the Agency Dashboard, a data visualisation tool for education providers to view the performance of the agencies and agents that they work with. Since the launch, the team held webinars, responded to questions regarding the dashboard, and monitored its usage. On a side note, the Agency Dashboard won the Secretary’s Awards for Excellence in the category of Working Smarter.
12.00 PM
Lunchtime is really flexible at my workplace, so I usually take mine from 12-1 pm or 12:30-1 pm depending on my mood and the workload for that day. I live close enough to work to go home for lunch or eat out with my co-workers. Australian National University is close enough to go to as well, and there are some good options there to grab lunch from.
1.00 PM
Back to my desk and I continue to work on the tasks at hand which can vary week by week; writing briefs, providing statistics from PRISMS, and attending meetings to name a few. On this occasion, I am filling in for a co-worker who’s on holidays. She normally manages the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) inbox, so I monitor the inbox and coordinate email responses in her place.
2.30 PM
The department regularly holds seminars and talks in its theatre on the ground floor. To celebrate International Fraud Awareness Week, I attended a talk titled Telling Truths in the Secret City. It’s always interesting to listen to the work of other departments and there’s value in reflecting on the speakers' experiences.
3.30 PM
I’m back at my desk and continue working. I check my inbox to see if any drafts came back with edits or are cleared to be sent. There are also emails that I’m Cc’ed or forwarded to me to keep me in the loop, or for me to act on. My work provides me with a nice balance of tasks that I can perform independently and tasks that I must work on with others in a collaborative manner.
4.30 PM
Home time is also quite flexible, with 7.5 hours as a standard workday. I tend to leave between 4:30-5 pm but can vary depending on the priorities for that day and the workload. I check over my task list once more and set out the priorities for the following day. I sign off and leave the office to head home.
5.30 PM
I cook and eat my dinner while watching some TV. I wind down by playing some games afterward.
9.00 PM
There’s a gym in my apartment complex and I exercise for about half an hour and shower.
10.00 PM
I hit the bed and that’s it for the day, tucked in for a good night's sleep and ready again for the following day.