Disability Support at Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR)
Developing a culture of support and respect for people with disability and carers is an integral component of our approach to diversity and inclusion. We are committed to fostering a workplace culture that values the contributions and abilities of carers and employees with disability and leverages the depth of perspectives, experiences, knowledge, and skills they bring to the department.
Dis/Ability and Carer’s Network
The Dis/Ability and Carers Network assists in building the department's effectiveness as an employer of choice for people with disability and carers. The network strives to create a safe and inclusive organisational culture with systems and policies in place that ensure people with disability and/or caring responsibilities are confident and supported in their workplace and valued for their contribution.
The network promotes the importance of inclusion and diversity and raises awareness of people who identify as having disability or have caring responsibilities for someone with disability.
The network is open to all department employees with disability, who have caring responsibilities for people with disability or are passionate about a workplace that is inclusive of people with disability and/or caring responsibilities.
Dis/Ability Champions
DEWR’s Executive Diversity and Inclusion Champions play a key role in fostering an inclusive, respectful and positive workplace culture. They support the Diversity and Inclusion Networks by advocating for cultural safety, competency, and change.
Our Dis/Ability and Carers Champions support our Dis/Ability and Carer’s Network to advocate for employees with disability – helping to improve employment practices and processes and addressing issues that impact their day-to-day lived experience.
Australian Network on Disability
Our department is a member of the Australian Network on Disability. which brings together the experience and knowledge of hundreds of Australia’s leading organisations who include people with disability as their employees and customers.