Associate ILS Engineer at Lockheed Martin Australia
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering at University of Adelaide
6.10 AM
Wake up from my alarm and get greeted by my cat. Do some mindless scrolling of social media and prepare myself to get up for the day.
6.30 AM
Roll out of bed and get dressed for the gym, feed the cats and grab my lunch from the fridge. Jump in the car and drive to the gym.
7.30 AM
Get to the gym and get cracking on the day’s exercise list. I prefer to work out in the mornings so that I wake my body up naturally and get my heart rate up before my day in the office.
9.00 AM
After a shower, I get to my desk, plug my laptop in, and grab my coffee cup. After shotting a double shot, I make myself a cup of tea and head back to my desk. I turn on my laptop and catch up on Defence news and emails, whilst chatting with my co-workers.
9.15 AM
This morning I am updating the documentation and work instructions of a database application I built for the function to reflect some updates I had recently implemented.
11.00 AM
Make myself another cup of tea – this time it's liquorice tea. With my documentation updates now complete, I fill in a “Document Change Request” to commit my work instruction updates to our company’s Process Asset Library – our internal library of Company processes, procedures and work instructions.
Then onto writing another process – after going to a Reliability Centred Maintenance training course earlier in the year, I am writing an internal work instruction for conducting Reliability Centred Maintenance analysis.
12.00 PM
Lunchtime! I eat my lunch at my desk before changing into sneakers to go for a walk with my workmates. A lap around the creek or down to the shops to have lunch is the usual trek.
12.30 PM
Back at my desk I scan through any new emails and review some documents in preparation for my 1 o’clock meeting.
1.00 PM
I meet with a co-worker to discuss a sub-contractor’s deliverable review and some other tasks he is handing over to me. The deliverable we are reviewing determines whether the supplier will be able to develop and provide the necessary information we need to complete our contractual requirements. As part of Integrated Logistics Support, we need to ensure the supplier provides us with the product’s Reliability, Maintainability and Availability data, information about how it is to be maintained as well as whether manuals and training are available.
2.00 PM
I begin my review of the sub-contractor document, ensuring the supplier has provided us with all of the data we have requested to a suitable level and commenting where the data is not up to scratch. This is a large task and will probably take the next few days, and a couple litres of tea!
6.00 PM
The workday is done! I pack up my things and get in the car. The great thing about LM is we work 8.5-hour days for a 9-day fortnight.
6.30 PM
I find a park in the city, tonight I am meeting my brother at Bread and Bone for dinner (a local wood grill burger bar we both love). We get the braised beef ribs with slaw and fries to share – delicious.
8.30 PM
Finally, back at home, I get my gym gear, change of clothes and lunch ready for work again tomorrow. I sit and drink a calming cup of tea whilst catching up with my boyfriend on how his day went.
9.00 PM
I get in bed and read a novel before eventually drifting off to sleep.
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