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Shell Companies in the Philippines

  • 50,000 - 100,000 employees

Office & Workplace at Shell Companies in the Philippines

8.7 rating for Workplace, based on 14 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
It is very clean, spacious and allows us to be productive
Graduate, Manila - 17 Nov 2023
Space and facilities are great and well-maintained. Dress code - nothing too formal but nothing too casual.
Graduate, Taguig City - 17 Nov 2023
The office space is very conducive to productivity with proper lighting and work areas. There are also facilities that promote employee health and wellness, allowing employees to take sufficient breaks and time off from work at the office. The dress code is business casual, but is overall quite flexible as long as employee attire is still work appropriate.
Graduate, Quezon City - 17 Nov 2023
Very nice office that is conducive to work. Some areas have dual monitors, some have adjustable desks. Convenient location within the CBD. Includes facilities such as a cafeteria, gym, gaming area. The dress code is not very strict, business attire from Monday to Thursday and smart casual on Friday.
Graduate, Makati - 17 Nov 2023
It is very clean, spacious and allows us to be productive
Graduate, Manila - 17 Nov 2023
Space and facilities are great and well-maintained. Dress code - nothing too formal but nothing too casual.
Graduate, Taguig - 17 Nov 2023
The office space is very conducive to productivity with proper lighting and work areas. There are also facilities that promote employee health and wellness, allowing employees to take sufficient breaks and time off from work at the office. The dress code is business casual, but is overall quite flexible as long as employee attire is still work appropriate.
Graduate, Quezon City - 17 Nov 2023
Very nice office that is conducive to work. Some areas have dual monitors, some have adjustable desks. Convenient location within the CBD. Includes facilities such as a cafeteria, gym, gaming area. The dress code is not very strict, business attire from Monday to Thursday and smart casual on Friday.
Graduate, Makati - 17 Nov 2023