Lots of movement within the company so there are always opportunities for promotions.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Dec 2023
From what I can gather, Transgrid appears to be really transparent on the rewards and recognition aspect, which I highly appreciate. People who are outstanding in their field are quick to be recognised and celebrated, as well as those who raise issues/problems/incidents, rather than being frowned upon. As for promotions, after the graduate program it is up to you to find a permanent position and interview for this role, however there have been numerous opportunities popping up and being advertised even during my time. I have received 3 offers so far while not even looking for a role, so I would say there are plenty of opportunities for promotion and development at the current stage.
Graduate, Canberra - 09 Nov 2023
I am currently being actively recommended advancing positions in diverse roles, and many positions above the advancement are also open and being advertised.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
A good range of experiences across a range of business areas within a network service provider including: Maintenance, Design and planning.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Oct 2023
After the graduate program, they try their best to find a role for you and keep you on in the team. I know many fellow grads who have received a permanent role, and am hoping to be part of those numbers soon.
As a grad, you'll have the opportunity to apply for a role once the 2yr program is finished.
Just got promoted recently and very happy with it. I have a progression set for the next few years too.