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University of Technology Sydney Career Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I love the process of starting with lots of disparate, muddy information about a situation and synthesising until I have an insight that brings the situation into focus.

Ethan Barden

  • Graduate stories
It feels even better when stakeholders recognise how clear my explanation is!


  • Graduate stories
A common saying in the corporate world is “It’s not what you know, but who you know”. Use your time as a grad (and beyond!) to network with people and create your personal brand, you never know when a relationship may prove advantageous.

Gareth Milner

  • Day in the life

Isaac Mok

Isaac Mok studied ​a ​Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Economics ​at The Australian National University in 2016 and is now a Graduate at icare.
  • Graduate stories
Part of being on the team is having “crazy” ideas about how software could be applied to an area and being given the time to test it out.


  • Graduate stories
A highlight of the graduate program has been experiencing the diverse range of functions that Treasury performs and the roles that are available.

Jarrod Cross Lee

  • Graduate stories
The objective of the graduate program is to develop your personal and professional skills, so you can become a future leader.

Jodie Lam

  • Graduate stories
Some of my most satisfying moments have been after implementing a solution and being able to show the result on the application. Having others use something you have helped build is very rewarding.

Kandarp Shrivastava